Top 3 bug bounty platforms that are less crowded

Oct 28, 2020

When you are a bug bounty hunter, it can be very frustrating to get duplicates. Uncle rat recommends you look at the less crowded platforms for a better chance of avoiding duplicates. I made a list for you guys but feel free to also do your own research.

Uncle Rat got you covered

Number 3: Synack

So you might be wondering why this amazing platform only hits the #3 spot. This is because Synack is a platform you apply to, but do not let that scare you away!


Synack logo

Number 2: YesWeHack

This platform might contain some weird targets with weird languages but amazing hackers, please do not let that scare you away! Their support is amazing and weird also means interesting so give their targets a chance to intrigue you ;)


Yes we hack!!!

Number 1: Intigriti

Intigriti you ask? Aren’t there a ton of hackers on there? Well … no, not enough, it’s as simple as that. I know Initigriti like my backpocket and it feels like home. Their community support is amazing and they have a platter-a of targets to pick from. Some of my favorites:

Yes, you read it right, Intigriti practice what they preach and have their own assets up for testing.






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