Hacking The butler — Jenkins hacking 101

7 min readSep 23, 2024

Part 0. Intro

Hello amazing hackers

if I were to tell you that this is the first time that I am trying to write this, I would be lying, but here Goes for another shot. I have a customer and this customers hired me to do QA and testing. Believe it or not but I don’t hack full time either. This doesn’t mean that I don’t learn full time though. Currently, I feel more like a devops engineer though, I work a ton with jmeter, with jenkins, influxDB, Grafana and a brunch of other applications. The beauty of this line of work is that I am never bored, always new challenges and you can believe me when I say that I need that. I need to be Challenged and ik needs to have the right difficulty. This is perfect because now I am allowed to spend my time being the most experienced in many areas like networking, authentication and the tools we use on a dialy basis.

To be clear, I still have a crapton to learn and I won’t be done anytime soon but I feel at the very lekst in a comfortabel position to tell you how it’s NOT done, and I am not talking about backing but about setting up systems like this.

Before I begin I have to start by telling you that al the lessons I Will talk about today are applicable to my OWN jenkins system which I have set up and I can only recommend that you do the same of you are serious about learning how to hack jenkins. Jenkins is an amazing tool that can be used to automate a lot of the tasks you may perform on a regular basis. This includes…




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